HP-RSD/L: Rotary sample divider (large)

The proven and robust solution for highest reliability and quality in sample dividing.

Area of application

Secondary sampling of lumpy material

Different lumpy materials like, e.g., ores and stones (feed size max. < 30 mm)

Operation mode
Automatic, semi-automatic


Large-volume splitter for various applications
The HP- RSD/L is a rotary sampler divider for secondary or tertiary sampling of large-volume samples. The HP-RSD/L is applicable for a variety of lumpy materials with a grain size up to 30 mm like, e.g., ores, stones and others.

Specially designed for representative splitting
The HP- RSD/L is typically fed using a robot or a conveyor. Standard units include a 144kg or 288kg divider using 40kg or 80kg buckets. The splitter drum rotates at a set speed and splits the sample by means of the segmented compartments that feed into sample containers at the segment exit. The sample split is predetermined by the number and angle of the segments. 4-10 splitting chambers are available to suit the customers’ application. The HP- RSD/L features steep valley angles on all internal surfaces to ensure that no sample material gets stuck, which minimizes cross-contamination. The unit is PLC controlled and automatically weighs each aliquot after splitting to ensure that the split was successful.

Configurable according to customer’s requirements
The typical design features triple hoppers that allow sample compositing within them. In practice, this is perfect for building A and B cut composites in a single RSD unit which saves on robot handling time and streamlines the process. Alternatively, the HP- RSD/L can be fed using a long conveyer belt from the robot cell to the splitter. This version is useful for robot automations with limited available space.


  • Triple hopper
  • Conveyor belt for material feeding
  • Variuous splitting ratios