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+ 49 541 93320

Denver X-Ray Conference

05.08.2019 - 09.08.2019

Attendees to the World’s largest X-ray conference will have access to sessions on the latest advancements in XRD and XRF. Workshops are run by experts who provide TRAINING and EDUCATION on many PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction techniques for the study of materials. Designed to help attendees (with little or many years of experience), our workshops will solve some of their most difficult problems. As an added benefit, these experts will be available to answer questions and offer suggestions.



Эл. почта 

Центральный офис
+49 541 9332-0

Сбыт (Технический отдел)
+ 49 541 9332-50
+ 49 541 9332-68

Отдел маркетинга
+ 49 541 9332-9981