HP-MS: Automatic vibratory disc mill
The machine for automatic sample grinding- The optimal solution for robotic automation and standalone operation
- Fine grinding of sample material for X-ray fluorescence analysis, diffractometry and other methods
- Different materials, raw meal, clinker, cement, slag, ores, oxidic material, ferroalloys (feed size 5 mm)
Operation mode
- Automatic
- Robot automation
- Standalone
- Standalone with magazine
All advantages at a glance
Short grinding time – long service life
The HP-MS is suitable for grinding a wide variety of minerals such as cement raw meal, clinker, cement, slag, ores, oxides and ferro-alloys. The high RPM of the drive motor guarantees a short grinding time even for hard materials. The robust construction with, e.g., dual bearing support for the eccentric shaft ensures long service lives.
High precision and flexibility in pulverizing
The operator has full control over the pulverizing process and can adjust all relevant machine parameters and process steps. The rotation speed of the grinding vessel is continuously adjustable between 600 and 1500 rpm. The temperature is constantly monitored and kept constant at target temperature. The sample feeding and discharge intervals, the timing for adding grinding aid, the cleaning cycle and much more can be adapted to achieve the optimum result for each material.
The grinding vessel has a volume of 100 ccm which offers maximum flexibility for operation of all kinds of material. Both chrome steel and tungsten carbide grinding vessels are available and can be exchanged with little effort.
Effective avoidance of cross contamination
After pulverizing the grinding vessel is automatically emptied and the ground material is made available at the discharge point. Three automatic cleaning features namely compressed air, sand cleaning (option) and wet cleaning (option) allow a sufficient material removal. Using the different cleaning functions, cross contamination can be reduced to a low ppm level. Furthermore, spoon sampling (option) during the material input provides the possibility to pre-contaminate the grinding with the subsequent sample.
Various options, flexible configuration
The HP-MS can be equipped with a dosing system for solid or liquid grinding aids to improve grinding efficiency. Furthermore, cooling of the grinding vessel is available to allow pulverizing under controlled temperature conditions. The HP-MS has been designed for operation within a robotic automation. It can also be used as a stand-alone machine with input for a single sample or with 30 or 60 position magazines.
Tool Condition Monitoring
The HP-MS is ready for smart industry solutions enabling tool condition monitoring and predictive maintenance. Integrated sensory technology allows the online monitoring of the grinding performance as well as wear of swing aggregate and grinding set. This powerful tool, in combination with the PrepMaster Analytics software, makes it possible to assure reproducible sample preparation conditions for more accurate analysis. In addition, the HP-MS allows the fully automatic determination of the specific grinding energy of a material. This enables QC laboratories to easily and immediately determine the grindability - a procedure that is otherwise reserved for highly specialized laboratories.
Design options:
- Loading magazine (30 or 60 cups)
- Wet cleaning device
- Dosing device for solid cleaning aid (sand, granulate)
- Dosing device for grinding aid (solid or liquid)
- Cooling device for grinding vessel
- Blank sample dosing device
- Special grinding ring and stone for XRD sample preparation
- Grinding vessel chrome steel 100 ccm
- Grinding vessel tungsten carbide 100 ccm
- PrepMaster Analytics modules for tool condition monitoring, evaluation of grinding performance, and determination of grindability

Application Note:
Tool condition monitoring of disc mills- Online monitoring of the wear of the grinding set
Language: english (744 KB)

Application Note:
Real-time monitoring of grinding efficiency in disc mills by acceleration measurement
Language: english (1 MB)

Application Note:
Real-time monitoring of efficiency in quicklime grinding
Language: english (765 KB)

Application Note:
Real-time monitoring of efficient grinding and blending of petroleum coke
Language: english (451 KB)

Application Note:
Real-time monitoring of different grinding phases in a disc mill
Language: english (1 MB)

Application Note:
Automated potassium pyrosulfate fusion for X-ray fluorescence analysis
Language: english (601 KB)

Application Note:
The influence of methanol on efficiency and performance of a disc mill during grinding of clinker
Language: english (487 KB)

Application Note:
A novel and easy approach to determine the specific energy demand of clinker grinding
Language: english (925 KB)

Application Note:
Influence of grinding aids using pine resins or microcelluose on the grindability of clinker
Language: english (614 KB)

Application Note:
Sample preparation of raw materials for refractories: Improved efficiency using online tool condition monitoring
Language: english (798 KB)

Application Note:
Assessment of grindability in slag sands by using a laboratory disc mill: Comparison to the Zeisel test
Language: english (493 KB)

Application Note:
Assessment of grindability in slag sands by using a laboratory disc mill: Determination of analytical precision
Language: english (409 KB)

Application Note:
Assessment of grinding power in silica and slag sands by using a laboratory disc mill: Influence of temperature
Language: german (607 KB)

Application Note:
Assessment of grindability in slag sands by using a laboratory disc mill: Influence of the input grain size
Language: english (457 KB)